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Were there any civilization on Earth before us

 Civilization before us Our human life evolved from the jungles of Africa about seventy thousand years ago. At that time, we lived in caves, ate wild groundnuts, hunted with ordinary spears and stones, and sometimes we hunted ourselves. But the descendants of the same ancestor who ran through the jungles of Africa yesterday are now parading in space. would ancient civilization look like this? Today our food and lifestyle have changed. Today, the same people who live in caves and hang in the trees are flying in skyscrapers and sophisticated means. Today we have reached the zenith of development. Today, we have developed so much that we are imagining building a house on the moon, the satellite of the earth. In addition, we are leading the plan to establish human settlements by exploring and researching other planets in the solar system. Not only that, today we have discovered such secrets of the universe. When there was no knowledge about it, our ancestors would sometimes look at...

The man who jumped from space, Felix Baumgardner

The man who jumped from space; Felix Baum Gardner

Most people in this world want to hear your praise. No matter how much risk they have to take for this, they want to present their work to the world. Till today no one else has been able to do such work. They want to do such work. Even if life itself is not in danger. Some are taking selfies in buildings thousands of feet high, while others are diving into the ocean thousands of meters deep. And some are riding bicycles on steep slopes, while others are riding hundreds of tons on their own bodies. Some stuntmen even go to great lengths to set a new record.

A similar act was made public on October 14, 2012. He had this new artificial and he was - Felix Baumgartner. How did this happen, and who is the world's most adventurous and skilled skydiver, Felix Baum? We will discuss this topic in today's special series.

Felix Baumgardner is a skydiver by profession. He often makes base jumps from tall buildings, dangerous terraces. But on October 14, 2012, he shocked the world by doing so. Even when we imagine it, we start trembling with fear. On October 14, Felix Baumgardner broke all records for speed and altitude by making space jumps with supersonic speeds faster than sound. Felix Baum Gardner is also a land officer in the Austrian army. After retiring from the army, he turned to skydive. It was during this time that he met the Red Bull manufacturing company. Which continues to perform these types of stunts. His journey from space also started from here. The Red Bull Company had made all the preparations for the event. Not only that, but the necessary training was given to Felix Baum Gardner. Despite this, the stunt was stopped three times due to some technical and seasonal reasons.

On October 14, 2012, to make this stunt a success, he was placed in a special capsule weighing 1315 kilograms with a diameter of 1.8 meters. The capsule was hung under a giant balloon 130 meters in diameter and 212 meters high. This balloon was filled with helium gas. Because with the help of which it could go into space. Usually, Felix Baum did not jump from space or space, but from the stratosphere or stratosphere. The stratosphere is the only letter where only supersonic aircraft can fly. These planes are even capable of breaking the sound barrier.

We cannot call the stratosphere space because space is a region where the amount of air is zero. Not only this, with the help of fire you can do welding. But the stratosphere does not have the same conditions as to space. Air is found in the stratosphere, but in very small quantities, and even there, like the earth, everything has its own weight. But in this letter, there is never wind and there is no cloud. This can be considered as the stage before the start of space.

The amount of air here is very low and even at such a high altitude the temperature reaches negative 230 Celsius and even if it is one stage below the space, the pressure is as high as space. So for this, the space costume worn by the astronauts has to be worn on this stage as well. During this stunt, Felix Baum Gardner wore a similar space costume. An ultimatum was attached to his left arm, which detected a certain distance traveled from Earth to space. Not only this, but two high definition cameras were also connected to record this incident. Since the amount of air in the stratosphere is very low, there is no friction like in the Earth's internal atmosphere.
When Felix reached Earth's stratosphere and jumped to Earth, he managed to set a record faster than the speed of sound. The height from which Felix jumped was about 128,100 feet above the earth, or about 39 km. At this altitude, the speed of sound is 1235 km per hour. But when Felix Baum Gardner jumped from that height, his speed was 1342.8 km per hour. Thus he became the first person to break the sound barrier. Until then, only supersonic planes and rockets had made supersonic journeys and broken the sound barrier. Felix became the first person in the world to cross the speed of sound, hence the name Supersonic Man.
This was not easy to hear. Because even a small mistake could have killed him. After 40 seconds of jumping from the capsule in the stratosphere, Felix was able to reach a speed of 1342.8 km per hour due to the gravitational force of the earth. Even after overcoming so many challenges, the biggest challenge was to keep his life in balance. Because of his right foot could travel as fast as the speed of sound and not his left, there could be waves like this, Felix, spinning like an object on his own axis.

This condition is known as flat spinning. In such a situation, Felix's whole body was spinning like a laddu. Then his mental balance would deteriorate and in a few seconds, he would be unconscious. Not only that, but all the blood of the body could also have accumulated in his head and even his life could have gone in the sky. There was an emergency parachute to avoid such a situation and if such a situation was created, the parachute tied to Felix's pressure suit was made to open itself in 6 seconds and his speed would be very low. If the parachute did not stop his body from moving, a big problem could arise. Because his body was spinning, the rope of the parachute wrapped around his body and hit the ground with a fast speed, which could have killed him.

Despite the dangers, Felix jumped from the capsule to the stratosphere and reached a speed of 1342 kilometers per hour after 40 seconds. Then they started moving towards the surface of the earth like a ball of fire. During that time he had to face some flat spinning but he maintained complete control and did not allow such a situation to happen again. Eventually, with the help of his parachute, he made history by successfully landing near the desert of New Mexico. His move is expected to be very fruitful for astronauts in the future. This is because a small error in a spacecraft can even cause an emergency. In that case, the astronauts could be rescued using the experience of the adventurous and skilled paraglider Felix.


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