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Were there any civilization on Earth before us

 Civilization before us Our human life evolved from the jungles of Africa about seventy thousand years ago. At that time, we lived in caves, ate wild groundnuts, hunted with ordinary spears and stones, and sometimes we hunted ourselves. But the descendants of the same ancestor who ran through the jungles of Africa yesterday are now parading in space. would ancient civilization look like this? Today our food and lifestyle have changed. Today, the same people who live in caves and hang in the trees are flying in skyscrapers and sophisticated means. Today we have reached the zenith of development. Today, we have developed so much that we are imagining building a house on the moon, the satellite of the earth. In addition, we are leading the plan to establish human settlements by exploring and researching other planets in the solar system. Not only that, today we have discovered such secrets of the universe. When there was no knowledge about it, our ancestors would sometimes look at...

how can we time travel from the wormhole

Time travel from the wormhole

What if we could go back in time and see the age of the dinosaurs, travel faster, and reach the other side of space? And if we have been able to meet our ancestors while traveling in the past, we have been able to travel millions of light-years away and see a civilization like ours. Not only that, what if we could go back in time and correct all our mistakes?

Imagine for a second got the duplication of your own, what would you do? The limitations of today's science and technology may make it seem impossible for us to achieve that light speed. But just think how much difference there is between human civilization 200 years ago and human civilization today. To put it bluntly, only in the last one hundred years have mankind achieved what they could not do. The development of science and technology is progressing today in a geometric ratio. And in the next hundred years, of course, we will achieve those achievements. This seems very difficult and impossible to us today.

So can we travel in time in the future?

Of course, we can, the difference is that now we lack that science. But we have already proved these things in mathematical equations. Einstein's 'Space-Time Equation' also imagines time travel. Such as wormholes.
Wormholes are tunnels in space that not only open the two sides of time but also connect the two spaces of space. Such holes found in space are called wormholes. According to scientists, if we are able to enter these holes, we can reach the other side of it, that is, the mouth, much earlier or later in time. Not only that, but it could also take us millions of light-years away to other galaxies.
Wormholes are everywhere in space. That is, they may be around us, but they are so small that we cannot even see them. The smaller they are, the more attractive they are. These unique holes create a gap between the future and the past, connecting the two sides of time. Wormholes are very difficult for us to understand through mathematical equations, but to put it simply, "wormholes become distorted by space-time, they become as time moves at their own pace."
As we look at the earth in 3 dimensions. We see every object here in 3 dimensions. The length, width, and height of these objects. Only in these 3 dimensions are we experiencing the whole world. At this point, we can't even think that there could be any dimension other than these three dimensions. That is the fourth dimension.
In the last two centuries, scientists have defined this fourth dimension as the fourth dimension. That is, time is the fourth dimension. So with this fourth dimension concept, we can understand more about wormholes. It is true that in this three-dimensional world, there is no such thing as a perfect plane.
No object on earth is a plane. Each of these objects tends to be three dimensional. Yes, the same rule applies in time. That is, even in time, there is length, width, and depth. These are small holes in length, width, and depth. These holes are much smaller than atoms. These tiny holes in time connect the other corners of time. In the present case, entering from one point can lead to another world of the future. But these holes are so small that we can't even measure their size.
A wormhole can be as small as 10 billionths of a centimeter. Not only that, but wormholes are also formed many times in thousands of seconds of a second and sometimes destroyed. But even if we happen to find a large wormhole, we can't get into it. Because those holes are destroyed with blink our eyes. That's why scientists have been imagining for centuries some wormholes that are stable. In addition, the wormholes should be large enough to accommodate a man or man-made vehicle.
Imagine for a second got the duplication of your world. This is very large and stable in size. At this point, our goal is to reach a developed planet in the universe. So let's start our journey now. Shortly after entering this wormhole, we landed on a developed civilized planet billions of light-years away. We found this planet very unique and fun. We returned to Earth from the same tunnel via our spaceship wormhole to return to Earth after a few days of exploration here. But now we will be very surprised. Because just a few days back from that journey to our universe, thousands of years will have passed on earth. We have no longer our family, friends, and relatives here. Maybe we can get to the age of the dinosaurs, or we can get to a very advanced age.
After all, why did the earth change so much when we traveled for so few days?
When we travel at the speed of light, our time will pass very slowly. When we spend time traveling, every second we spend on Earth can be many years. So when we reached another planet in the universe through a wormhole, thousands of years had passed on our earth. Of course, many means of time travel have been mentioned. But whatever the means, there is always a difference of opinion among scientists. This is what we call the grandfather paradox of time travel.
What is the paradox that we call the Grandfather Paradox?
Suppose a person who is 20 years old now travels 100 years past, where he meets his grandfather. Now here he kills his grandfather. Now the question arises if he killed his own grandfather, how was his father born? When his father was not born, then who was the person who will travel from time to time in the future? That's why scientists have contradicted this notion of time travel in the past.
So is the idea of ​​time travel limited to the future?
Some scientists have suggested that time travel in the past is possible. According to this principle, we can go to the past and solve all the mistakes. In addition, you can choose the format you like. But the difference is that you can do whatever you want. There will be a separate parallel universe.


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