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Were there any civilization on Earth before us

 Civilization before us Our human life evolved from the jungles of Africa about seventy thousand years ago. At that time, we lived in caves, ate wild groundnuts, hunted with ordinary spears and stones, and sometimes we hunted ourselves. But the descendants of the same ancestor who ran through the jungles of Africa yesterday are now parading in space. would ancient civilization look like this? Today our food and lifestyle have changed. Today, the same people who live in caves and hang in the trees are flying in skyscrapers and sophisticated means. Today we have reached the zenith of development. Today, we have developed so much that we are imagining building a house on the moon, the satellite of the earth. In addition, we are leading the plan to establish human settlements by exploring and researching other planets in the solar system. Not only that, today we have discovered such secrets of the universe. When there was no knowledge about it, our ancestors would sometimes look at...

5 terrifying planets that no one wants to go

 5 planets that no one wants to go to

 There are three types of planets in our solar system, gas giants, rocky planets, and ice giants. These include Jupiter and Saturn, the gas giants, and Earth, Mars, Mercury, and Venus, the rocky planets. And Neptune and Uranus are ice giants. All these planets have different characteristics. But most of the life is in the Rocky Planets.

The universe is finally there and we don't know how many other solar systems there are! We, humans, have so far searched for more than 4,000 planets, some of which are home to live. And there are some planets that are worse than hell, where you don't want to go not only in reality but also in dreams.

1. 51 Pegasus b: 

The planet is located in the constellation of Pegasus, about 50 light-years from Earth. The planet was discovered in December 1995. It is a gas giant, 150 times larger than Earth. It is made up mostly of helium and hydrogen, which is much closer to its star. The distance between its star and this planet is 100 times less than the distance between the earth and the sun. Therefore, the average temperature of this planet is 10,000 degrees Celsius. The wind blows at a speed of 1000 kilometers per hour on this planet. This planet has a lot of iron, from which this iron evaporates into clouds. And molten iron begins to flow on this planet. Now think, do you want to go to this planet where molten fruit evaporates.

2. Corot-Exo-3b: 

This planet is called Corot-Exo-3B. It is the densest planet ever discovered. It is 20 times more massive than Jupiter, and its gravity is 50 times greater than that of Earth. A person weighing 100 kg would weigh 5,000 kg on this planet. If a person stands on this planet, his body will be instantly dusted due to its gravity and atmospheric pressure. The pressure here will be as if a giant elephant is sitting on your chest. There is no excuse that you can carry a huge elephant on your shoulders and walk.

3. VASP-12b: 

It would be fair to say just one line for this planet, the hottest planet ever discovered, the hottest planet ever discovered. We have never had a hotter planet than this one. No planet has ever been found to orbit its host star so closely. The average surface temperature of this planet is always 2200 degrees Celsius. So much temperature will melt the human body and evaporate. The difference between a planet and a star is only 56 percent, which is 56 percent less. Surprisingly, the surface of this planet is twice as much as the lava. Jupiter is 3.4 million kilometers away from its star, where the Earth is about 150 million kilometers away from the Sun. Because of its proximity, one day on Earth is equal to one year on the planet. What would be your condition if you reached the planet with a temperature of 2,000 degrees Celsius?

4. Mars. 

We dream of leaving Earth and living on Mars as if living there is a child's play. The potato-picking the scene in The Martian movie made us think that we would become farmers there. And we will start living like tribals. But we must never forget that Mars is a dangerous planet. Which you hardly know about A dust storm on Mars rises and spreads in a few hours and that dust flies around the entire planet. The biggest dust storm in the solar system rises on Mars. The size of this dust storm is even bigger than Mount Everest. And its speed is 300 kilometers per hour. This dust storm is so dense that sunlight cannot reach the surface of Mars properly. This momentary storm sometimes covers the planet for weeks. The planet's storms typically rise from the dust in its 7.1-kilometer crater. The temperature inside the crater is 100 degrees Celsius higher than the surface of Mars. When a small storm rises around the crater, the dust in the crater and the temperature difference of 100 degrees Celsius makes the dust storm even stronger. Not only that, it covers the whole of Mars. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. You'd really get to Mars and be covered in dust. However, today scientists consider this planet as a reasonable and probable destination compared to other planets.

5. Jupiter 

The largest planet in our solar system is Jupiter. It is also called a FedCock star. It contains the same elements that are found in our sun, namely hydrogen and helium. But Jupiter does not have enough mass to fuse hydrogen into helium by its own power and temperature to make it a sun. So it is of no use. The planet's atmosphere produces storms two or three times larger than Earth's. The lightning that shines here is 100 times brighter than the lightning that strikes the earth. Within 40,000 kilometers of Jupiter, there is an ocean of liquid metallic hydrogen. On earth, hydrogen is like a colorless and transparent gas. The pressure in that ocean of hydrogen is such that the atom of hydrogen takes the form of liquid metal, due to which a large amount of electric current is generated there. As is the case with the Earth's crust, this gas giant has no special ground surface. And Jupiter's atmosphere is so dense that radio waves cannot pass through it. Even if we send a vehicle inside it, we can never communicate with that vehicle. When we use radio waves for communication. Then radio waves are observed in the atmosphere of this planet. In that case, going to this planet would be like traveling to hell. Therefore, this planet is not suitable for human habitation.


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