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Were there any civilization on Earth before us

 Civilization before us Our human life evolved from the jungles of Africa about seventy thousand years ago. At that time, we lived in caves, ate wild groundnuts, hunted with ordinary spears and stones, and sometimes we hunted ourselves. But the descendants of the same ancestor who ran through the jungles of Africa yesterday are now parading in space. would ancient civilization look like this? Today our food and lifestyle have changed. Today, the same people who live in caves and hang in the trees are flying in skyscrapers and sophisticated means. Today we have reached the zenith of development. Today, we have developed so much that we are imagining building a house on the moon, the satellite of the earth. In addition, we are leading the plan to establish human settlements by exploring and researching other planets in the solar system. Not only that, today we have discovered such secrets of the universe. When there was no knowledge about it, our ancestors would sometimes look at...

6 ancient cities buried underwater

6 ancient cities buried underwater 

The recently released Hollywood movie Aqua Man has been a huge success. Some may have to wait a few more days for this movie to be released. But in any case, the film was a success. The reason for success was that we lost a lot of landscapes and space scenes we have watched, but this underwater world brings a wave to our minds. Isn't there another world under the ocean?

There is also a unique relationship between this universe and us humans. As we discover new mysteries about the universe, new complexities are added. No matter how much we race today in search of the universe, we are still ignorant of the mysteries of our earth. How many physical structures are there on this earth that were built by someone? We can't say for sure why it was made and how it was made. We are curious about what is happening on the dark side of the moon, three hundred and eighty-four thousand four hundred (3,84,400) kilometers away, but we are still unaware of the secrets in the ocean about eight thousand (8,000) meters deep.

We all know that the sea covers 2 thirds of our earth. Only one-third of the land. Today, just as the earth's temperature is rising, so is the danger of large cities being submerged in the sea. We have seen and heard the news that various floods and tidal waves have washed away settlements and cities. If we are still not aware and we are not able to balance the rising global temperature in the coming days, we too will be lost in the ocean like the pages of history. Because global warming has caused such incidents in the past as well, where many developed cities in the ancient world were flooded forever with time. A vivid example of this is the city gate built by Lord Krishna in the Dwapar era which was completely submerged by the sea. The remains of which are still present in the Gulf of Cambe in Gujarat province.

Whether it is due to climate change or other reasons such as earthquakes, the ancient cities of the world were submerged in this way in ancient times which were at the peak of the highest prosperity in their time. The construction of such cities was far superior to today's modern engineering techniques.

1. Cleopatra Alexandria: Egypt

As you may know, the city of Cleopatra Alexandria was built by the Greek ruler Alexander the Great. The city was inundated about 1400 years ago. It also says that the city was built in memory of the famous beauty, Empress Cleopatra. The city was discovered by marine archaeologists in 1998. Some of the relics and artifacts found here show that at that time Princess Cleopatra was very famous for her love story and it is said that she had countless lovers. Today you can read and watch stories and movies about the same beautiful Cleopatra.

 2. Pavlopetri: Greece

 The Greek city of Pavlopetti is considered to be one of the oldest underwater archeological sites. About a thousand years ago, the city was submerged by an earthquake. It is difficult to tell by looking at its ruins, whether it is man-made or not. However, a search of the ruins revealed that the city had been built in a highly planned manner, including roads, architecture, and graves. The city was discovered in 1967 by Nicholas Fleming. It was also mapped by a team of archaeologists from Cambridge.

3. Port Royal: Jamaica 

This port city of Jamaica, Jamaica, maybe as submerged as it is today, but at the time it was considered the largest city in Europe. The main reason for the discussion was that it was very popular among the drinkers. In addition, the sex workers here are believed to be world-famous in entertaining their clients. In June 1962, the city sank into the abyss. Due to which about two thousand people were killed. Looking at the skeleton of this submerged city, it seems that there were so many people here. But it is real. Many people used to come and go here because it was once a very popular city.

 4. Dwarka Gulf of cambay : India

An ancient gate city has been found in the Gulf of Cambe in the Indian state of Gujarat. What is said about it is that it is the ancient city of Lord Krishna, Dwarika, the city of gates. It is considered to be one of the oldest cities in India. Situated on the banks of the river Gomti, this city used to be the center of popular belief. Many also believe that the city was submerged in the sea after the death of Lord Krishna. For a long time, famous explorers and researchers tried to discover the secret of Dwarka. A campaign was launched in 2005 to unravel the mystery of Dwarka. During the expedition, stones, coins, as well as many works of art were found in the depths of the sea. And about two hundred other samples were also collected from here.

5. Yonaguni Monument: Japan

The pyramid Yonaguni Jima has been found near Yukyu Island in Japan. There is disagreement among researchers about this pyramid made of the same stone. Some call it man-made, while others call it man-made. It was submerged in the sea about 10,000 years BC. At present, it is located at a depth of about 250 feet. Located in the depths of the water, the Pyramid Yonaguni-Jima is the main attraction and special place here.

6. Lion city of Quiandao Lake: China

One of the oldest and most magnificent cities in the underwater world is the Lion City on Lake Qingdao in China. The city was built during the Eastern Han Dynasty, with an area of ​​62 football fields. It is located at a depth of about 85 to 131 feet below the surface. The Line City of Cuandao Lake is a 1,400-year-old lake that is completely submerged.


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