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Were there any civilization on Earth before us

 Civilization before us Our human life evolved from the jungles of Africa about seventy thousand years ago. At that time, we lived in caves, ate wild groundnuts, hunted with ordinary spears and stones, and sometimes we hunted ourselves. But the descendants of the same ancestor who ran through the jungles of Africa yesterday are now parading in space. would ancient civilization look like this? Today our food and lifestyle have changed. Today, the same people who live in caves and hang in the trees are flying in skyscrapers and sophisticated means. Today we have reached the zenith of development. Today, we have developed so much that we are imagining building a house on the moon, the satellite of the earth. In addition, we are leading the plan to establish human settlements by exploring and researching other planets in the solar system. Not only that, today we have discovered such secrets of the universe. When there was no knowledge about it, our ancestors would sometimes look at the

These powers of your body, which you do not know

These powers of your body, which you do not know

The structure of the human body is so complex that it is impossible for anyone to know it. Today, scientists are constantly trying to find out. There are so many shocking forces in our bodies that we are unaware of. Did you know that Monday is the most dangerous day of our lives or that the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs can digest the blade? Did you know These powers of our body?

1. Heart

Did you know that if all the pulses or cells of our body were connected, its length would be 60,000 miles or 96,500 kilometers? And the total circumference of our earth is 40 thousand 75 kilometers. This means that the total veins of an adult human being can cover the entire earth two and a half times. Now imagine how much power a pump would need to carry water a few kilometers away. There will be fewer giant pumps to carry water to a distance of one thousand kilometers. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. From birth to death, that too continuously till the last moment of life. Isn't that amazing? That's all there is to it and our heartbeats about a million times a day. And the pumping pressure of the heart is so high that it can pump our blood up to 30 feet. More surprisingly, according to scientific research, the most dangerous day for us to have a heart attack is on Monday, while the safest is on Saturday.

2. Brain

Scientists at the University of Texas has done research that shows that our brain can store 2.5 petabytes of memory. Our brain stores the capacity of each cell store is 4.7 bytes. In our minds, the number of synapses is greater than the total number of stars in the entire universe. The human mind is so complex that it is the equivalent of a universe in itself. Our brains grow up to 95 percent by the age of five and 100 percent by the age of 18. Our IQ only increases for 18 years and then it cannot increase. Suppose a person lives to be 84 years old, then by the age of 4, he will have learned only 50 percent of his life lessons. And the rest of the 50 percent he will learn for 80 years.

3. Bones

When we are born, we have a total of 300 bones in our body. But before reaching adulthood, how many bones need to be joined together? So an adult human body has a total of 206 bones. The bones of the human body are four times more solid than concrete. The strongest bone in our body is the femur bone of our thigh and it is also the longest bone in the body, which is stronger than a steel pipe. And only our skull is made up of 29 different bones.

4. Cell

The largest cells in the human body are the female egg and the smallest male sperm. Every second more than 10 million rebellious cells form and die in our body. How many cells and tissues are separated from our bodies every day? And this is how the whole body becomes new every 4 to 10 years.

5. Growth

After birth, each part of our body grows with its own label. But there is also a part that never grows and that is the black pupil of our eye, which stays the same size from birth to death. Because there is no blood supply in it. Generally, the human body only grows into adulthood. But our noses and ears continue to grow until we die. Of course, their growth rate is very slow. If our body weight increased by only half a kilo, our body would make 11 km long blood vessels. This makes the heart work harder to pump blood. So it would be good for us to lose half a kilo of our body weight, which also destroys the body's unnecessary blood vessels. A normal person can go without food for 20 days, but without water, he can only survive for 3 days. When we touch something, our neurons carry that sensation to our brain at a speed of 124 miles per hour. We grow a little more in the morning than in the evening. And those who have a lot of IQ in their mind, they usually dream a lot. That's all there is to it and we eat 70 different insects and 10 spiders in our whole life while sleeping.

6. More than five senses.

As everyone knows, there are five senses in our bodies. Visual, auditory, olfactory, taste, and touch. Some of us also believe in the sixth sense. But scientists claim that the human body has 14 to 20 senses. Such as Sense of Time, Thermoception, Equilibrioseps, Proprioception etc.

8. Spinal cord

Our spine not only sustains the body but sometimes works for our brain as well. Yes, the message is sent to our brain by our nervous system, which in turn travels through the spinal cord. But how many times in quick decision making our spinal cord message does not reach the mind? And he makes his own decisions. Just like when a thorn in the side of the foot rises to the top of the foot or we are riding a motorcycle to our own tune, then if someone comes in the middle, it automatically brakes. In this decision, the light of the mind burns only later. But before that, the spinal cord will have made a decision.

7. Skin

About 3 to 50 million bacteria live in an inch of our skin. Think about how much is in the whole body? But don't be afraid. Because most of these bacteria are not harmful. Like every person's fingerprint, the tank print of his tongue is also unique.

8. Eyes

Our eyes can recognize about 10 million colors of the universe. Not only that, have you ever wondered how many meg pixels our eyes are? Now find out that our eyeball is a full 576 megapixels. Some people have more than one pupil in their eyes. In fact, this is a problem called pyorrhea. One case study also found that the woman had five children in her eyes.

9. Nose

The human nose can smell about 10 trillion odors. And our nose works as an air conditioner for the lungs, which delivers oxygen to the body by cooling the outside hot air at body temperature and heating the cold air so that the lungs do not collapse.

10. Sneeze

When we sneeze, the whole body, except the heart, stops working for a second. When you sneeze, you always close your eyes. Then the air comes out of the nose and mouth at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour.

11. Hair

Generally, the length of our hair grows from 0.3 to 0.5 mm per day. A person has 5 million hairs on his skin and it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs per day. And instead of what falls, another hair grows. In men, beard hair grows the fastest. If a man does not save for the rest of his life, his beard hair can grow up to 30 feet.

12. Blood

Adults usually have up to five and a half liters of blood in their bodies. The blood in our veins travels at a speed of 5 to 6 kilometers per hour. And determines the distance of nine and a half thousand kilometers in a whole day. There are four main groups of human blood — O, A, B, and AB. But there are 800 types of cow's blood. There are 13 types of dogs and 4 types of cats. The four main types of blood are divided into two parts. O, A, B, and AB— Positives and Negatives. But the audience, there is one blood group exception, also called Bombay Blood. But its scientific name is the HH blood group. The Bombay blood group was first found in Bombay. And people of this type of blood group tend to be one in millions in the world. This is a very rare blood group. And people with the Bombay blood group are always in touch with each other. So that we can help each other when needed. The world's first blood transfusion was performed between dogs in 1667, and the world's first blood bank was created in 1937.

There is an indigenous group in Brazil. Which is called Borrero. Surprisingly, not all people in this group have the same blood type, which is O-positive. A man named James Harrison has donated his blood 1,000 times in the last 60 years. And he has saved the lives of 20,000 people. Thank you very much on our behalf. There are 3 main parts of blood. Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. India has the highest number of people with O blood group, which is estimated to be 35 percent. But at least 7.5 percent of people have AB blood.


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