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Were there any civilization on Earth before us

 Civilization before us Our human life evolved from the jungles of Africa about seventy thousand years ago. At that time, we lived in caves, ate wild groundnuts, hunted with ordinary spears and stones, and sometimes we hunted ourselves. But the descendants of the same ancestor who ran through the jungles of Africa yesterday are now parading in space. would ancient civilization look like this? Today our food and lifestyle have changed. Today, the same people who live in caves and hang in the trees are flying in skyscrapers and sophisticated means. Today we have reached the zenith of development. Today, we have developed so much that we are imagining building a house on the moon, the satellite of the earth. In addition, we are leading the plan to establish human settlements by exploring and researching other planets in the solar system. Not only that, today we have discovered such secrets of the universe. When there was no knowledge about it, our ancestors would sometimes look at...

Top 10 invention of china, which is unique in the world

 China leads in technology and development

The rapid development of information technology has brought a radical change in human life. Although the development of technology in some developing countries is not so fast, China is trying to maintain its dominance in the world by accelerating the development infrastructure. China, which set a record by launching the world's first Five-G network, has succeeded in achieving new achievements in the world. China is taking the lead in other unique works including the only structure/technology in the world from the technology that is not available anywhere else in the world. China has been astonishing the world by building man-made structures. China has built 10 structures not found in the world in different parts of its country

1. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge

China is at the forefront of bridge construction. He has built the world's longest bridge over the sea. The bridge connects Hong Kong, China and Macau. Its length is 55 kilometers. The bridge has been open to the public since October 24, 2018. About 6.7 km of the bridge is under a tunnel. The bridge will take just 30 minutes to travel from Hong Kong to Macau. Before the construction of the bridge, it took 4 hours to travel. The construction of the bridge started in 2009. It was made of 420,000 tons of steel, equivalent to 60 Eiffel Towers. About eighty thousand (80,000) tons of pipes were used to make it. The bridge was completed in 2017. It is the sixth-longest bridge over the river and the sea. Its depth is 44 meters. The project was outlined in 2003 and construction began in December 2003. The bridge costs a total of. 17.3 billion to complete.

2. The world's largest radio telescope

China has built the world's largest radio telescope. In September 2016, a 500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope was built-in China's mountainous southern province of Guangzhou. It is also known as the Fast Telescope. The Fast Telescope project, launched in 2011.

From this telescope, Chinese astronauts will be able to observe the stars as well as the process in the solar system. The project was built by about 8,000 employees and the nearby settlements up to 5 km were relocated. Observers only need to switch off their mobile phones when they come here.

 3. The world's largest amphibious ship

Rapidly advancing in technology, China has built the world's largest ship that can land on both water and land. A.G., known as the ‘amphibian’ ship. Aviation observers have hailed the 600 construction achievements as milestones. The ship is 36.9 meters long.

The aircraft manufacturer Aviation Industry of China (AVIC) has stated that the maximum weight of the aircraft is 53.5 tons and the maximum flight distance is 4500 kilometers. According to AVIC Deputy General Manager Geng Ruguwang, A.G. The 600 is by far the largest amphibian aircraft in the world. It is about the size of a Boeing 737. 

4. A large aircraft called the C919

For the first time, China has built its own large domestic aircraft, the C919. It was unveiled on November 2, 2015, in Shanghai, China. China, a leader in research and development, built the C919 with the help of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation. It is able to compete with Airbus 320 and Boeing 737. In addition, it has the most equipment, capacity, and structure.

5. The world's tallest air purifier

China has built the world's tallest air filter tower. Its height is 330 feet. Chinese scientists have already started testing it. The Chinese capital, Beijing, is known around the world for its air pollution. Smoke and dust are seriously affecting people's daily lives here every year. According to the news, the equivalent of 21 cigarettes of smoke enters the body of every person here daily. The tower is built in Xian. After installing the tower, the air quality in the area around 10 km has improved a lot in the last few months.

The tower has so far cleared about 10 million cubic meters of air. The tower works through greenhouses. Which is about half the size of the football field at its base? This is the great achievement of the Chinese scientist. According to scientists, the air around the tower was clean when pollution levels in Beijing were above danger. About 500 meters (1640 feet) high, width (diameter) 200 meters (656 feet), the builder of the tower in 2014 for the patent application was also given for it.

6. High-speed train (420 kilometers per hour)

By mid-July 15, 2016, China had developed a train running at a speed of 420 kilometers per hour. This brought about an unprecedented change in China's railway corporation. China has set a new world record by connecting the railway service to Guangzhou and Henan provinces. This gave more energy to China's worldwide railway revolution.

7. Long March 7 career rocket

China unveiled the new generation Long March 7 on June 25, 2016 in Henan Province, Wenchang, China. This medium-sized two-stage rocket can carry 13.5 tons of weight in Earth orbit. According to experts, this long march 53.1 meter long, a 597-ton rocket could be the main tool for the future.

8. Quantum Communication Satellite Quest

China has succeeded in launching the world's first quantum communications satellite, Quest Quest, into space. The experiment was successfully launched on August 16, 2016, via the Jikwan satellite in China's North Gobi Desert. The 600-kilogram satellite orbits the earth once every 90 minutes. It is nicknamed Music. Chinese philosophers and scientists first experienced quantum optics in the fifth century. Which was successfully tested by Chinese scientists in 2016. This quantum will exchange hackproof messages and if someone tries to hack, they will also hack the communication message and send the message to their quantum.

 9. Space Laboratory Tiangong-2

China successfully launched Tiangang-2 from the Jiquan Satellite Launch Center on September 15, 2016. At the same altitude, the Tiangang-2 satellite will work on the Chinese space station in the future. It sent 11 manned satellites called Senjao. This will make it easier to work in Earth's labs for new discoveries and research in space.

10. Making artificial sun and moon

Chinese scientists are preparing to create an artificial sun with the aim of generating clean energy. It will be 6 times hotter than the actual sun. Where the core of a particular sun warms up to about 150 million degrees Celsius, this new sun from China can produce heat up to 100 million degrees Celsius.

China has already announced plans to build an artificial moon in the sky as a source of light. Through this, scientists want to light up the country's roads at night. It will be used on the moon by 2022. We have already made a video about it. Please go to the description link.

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